Friday, August 12, 2011

Fujifilm's X100

I was finally able to purchase Fujifilm's Finepix X100! After initial tests and reading half the manual so far I can definitely say this camera is amazing. The image quality and the camera's capabilities are stunning. The camera menu is a little complex and takes a few days to get used to but once you do it is easy. This is definitely a range finder and you need to be comfortable with that way of photographing. For years I have looked for a digital answer to replacing my Leica M4 P when it comes to my street photography and this is it. Handles very similar, has the same equivalent focal length lens I love, 35mm, and the lens is razor sharp. My Nikon D3 and D7000 bodies are still great, better suited for a lot of tasks, but the X100 will replace them for most of my street work for sure.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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